10 February 2021

Work-Life Balance & Mental Health Series - Ep 1: Caroline Harridence - Pixie

Want to know what other accountants are doing to manage work-life balance and their mental health during COVID-19? With accounting firms working remotely,


Want to know what other accountants are doing to manage work-life balance and their mental health during COVID-19?

With accounting firms working remotely, and accountants themselves busier than ever, we've started a new mini-series.

Each week, we're going to interview practice owners to find out more about how they're maintaining a healthy work-life balance and what they're doing to look after their mental health.

In this first episode, we're joined by Caroline Harridence from Counting Clouds Cambridgeshire. 

You can watch all 4 minutes and 58 seconds of it below...

Some of the highlights include:

  • Why a previously stressful job forced Caroline to re-think the way she worked
  • The school bell trick for moving from one task to another
  • How exercise is helps her to manage her mental health


Do you want to share your experiences of managing work-life balance and mental health? We'd love to speak to you! Please email hello at usepixie.com to arrange a chat. 

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